Just a heads-up. Orkut seems to be infected by an unknown virus. Anyone who logs in, gets his/her contacts spammed with scraps. You try to scrap them back to apologize, but, horrifyingly the virus blocks you from doing so! *GASP* . You can’t even message. Can’t message. Can’…
Where does it come from, this quest, this need to solve life’s mysteries, when the simplest of questions can never be answered? Why are we here? What is the soul? Why do we dream? Perhaps we’d be better off not looking at all. Not delving, not yearning. But…
Corny they may be, but these are some Bollywood “quotes” that have caught my fancy. See if you can figure out which movie they come from.
“I am slave to the law of the land. Please don’t see this as an emperor’s cruelty, but as a slave’s…
All my delusions of youth were shattered when I took my cousin shopping last time I went home. We went to this really classy place (according to my cousin) and I was busy shopping. However, after a while, I noticed that my cousin was hardly interested in anything and was…
I got this from an old blog of mine. The article is written by RainMirage on E2.
Hopeless romantics believe in love and fairy-tales. They dream of roses and candlelight, walking on the beach at sunset, and dancing in the rain. They know that somewhere out there is a knight…
The son has put on a brave face and taken command of the situation. Ushering guests in, showing people around, handling the workers, generally running around, pushing back his grief.
The daughter was crying vociferouly. Ridden by guilt that was unwarranted. Guilt she couldn’t do more. The son stops…
Desire. Doesn’t it always begin with desire? Once we start desiring something, we start thinking of it more, and if we don’t obtain the object of our desire, the desire level keeps stepping up.
Desire leads to wanting.
Wanting leads to longing.
Longing leads to craving.
And craving…
The earliest memory of conning that I can remember was when a guy approahed me in the train station, asking for help. Still green those days, I lent a concerned ear to his woeful tale. He spun a fantastic tale of how misfortune befell him on his journey and how…
[Those who haven’t already, please head over to the here and check out the presentation on the 11 dimensions.]
Life sure is good in the 5th dimension. Sometimes I wonder if we, the 3rd dimension beings , would ever be able to penetrate through the higher dimensions. Maybe it would…