Rubygame 3 on Ruby 1.9

Creating a Ruby 1.9 sandbox

1. mkdir /home/user/ruby19 (example folder)
2. cd /home/user/ruby19
3. mkdir src
4. cd src
5. wget
6. tar -jxvf ruby-1.9.0-1.tar.bz2
7. cd ruby-1.9.0-1
8. ./configure –prefix=/home/user/ruby19
9. make
10. make install

Now you can switch to this sandbox at any time by executing export PATH=/home/user/ruby19/bin:$PATH in a shell.

Chipmunk Installation

Chipmunk is required for Rubygame 3

1. wget
2. tar -zxvf ChipmunkLatest.tgz
3. cd Chipmunk-4.0.2
4. cd ruby
5. export PATH=/home/user/ruby19/bin:$PATH (* switching to Ruby 1.9 sandbox)
6. ruby extconf.rb
7. make
8. make install

Rubygame 3 Installation

1. mkdir /home/user/rubygame (example path)
2. cd /home/user/rubygame
3. svn co rubygame3
4. cd rubygame3/
5. export PATH=/home/user/ruby19/bin:$PATH (* switching to Ruby 1.9 sandbox)
6. cat Rakefile | sed s/PLATFORM/RUBY_PLATFORM/ >;mv Rakefile (* this replaces PLATFORM with RUBY_PLATFORM in the Rakefile)
7. CFLAGS=”-I/home/user/ruby19/include/ruby-1.9.0 -I/home/user/ruby19/include/ruby-1.9.0/i686-linux” rake install
8. cd ~/rubygame/rubygame3/samples/
9. ruby chimp.rb
10. Punch the monkey!! 😃