Character Profile - Bruce Lee

Name: Bruce Lee

Aliases: Dragon

Style: Mixed Martial Arts

Weapon of choice: Nunchaku

Finishing Move: None

Summary: An American-born Chinese martial artist, instructor, actor, father of the philosophy known as Jeet Kune Do and originator of the martial art called Jun Fan Kick boxing. Bruce Lee is widely regarded as one of the most influential and famous martial artists of all time. Many see Lee as a model blueprint for acquiring a strong and efficient body as well as developing a mastery of martial arts and hand to hand combat skills. Lee is the father of the only martial art created in the United States, Jun Fan Kick boxing. It resulted from the direct application of his philosophy, Jeet Kune Do. Bruce Lee’s evaluation of traditional martial arts doctrines is nowadays seen as one of the first steps into the modern style of mixed martial arts.

Feats: Bruce Lee’s feats include:

  • Bruce Lee’s striking speed from 60cm (24 inches) away, from a relaxed position, is five hundredths of a second (50 milliseconds).
  • Bruce’s famous “One Inch Punch” was able to knock back and off balance a 200lb man into a chair, using only 1 inch of striking distance.
  • The weight training program that Lee used during a stay in Hong Kong in 1965 indicated biceps curls of 36kg (79 lbs) and eight repetitions for endurance. This translates to an estimated one repetition maximum of 50kg, (110 lbs) placing Lee in approximately the 100th percentile for the 55 to 64 kilogram weight class (121-141 Lbs).
  • Bruce was able to hold a 57 kg (125 lb) barbell at arms length in front of him (with elbows locked) for several seconds.