But it snowed…

It took supreme will power to drag myself out of bed. Transiting from a warm cozy bed to the cold floor was not easy, but with supreme will power, I finally managed to drag myself to the bathroom. A little later, I was dressing up, quite lazily, to go for work. Putting on several layers of clothing, I wondered whether all this was necessary, for my body seemed to have adapted to the cold. Anyway, I put all of them on, looking very much like a punk-age, shady private-eye. Finally, I had all my things packed into the shoulder bag and ready to leave. The sight that met my eye when I opened the front door, is hard to forget.

It looked like something straight out of a Christmas post card. Small cottages with pine trees all around. Snow dancing with the wind, draping everything. I enjoyed this beautiful scene for a whole second until I realized that I was freezing. All the layers I had pulled on, were no match for the snow. Hugging myself tight, I ran to the restaurant to have my breakfast, with the snow blowing into my face.

One thing I came to realize from this incident is that snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes are NOT among my favourite things. Yeah, they are really pretty, but only if they don't touch you. Or if you are a polar bear.